
*You can make a difference while you shop Amazon Prime Day deals on October…

*You can make a difference while you shop Amazon Prime Day deals on October…

*You can make a difference while you shop Amazon Prime Day deals on October 13 & 14. Simply shop at (https://www.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=19YOX0NFP4TAC&K=3DU1UUB224BG6&M=urn%3Artn%3Amsg%3A20201006150323f7ddaade78a145c79d57312d0630p0na&R=8H3YJJFVPS8W&T=C&U=http%3A%2F%2FSMILE.AMAZON.COM%2Fch%2F61-1227454%3Fref%3Dorg_em_al2_csmi&H=STRS9MUMBYKZQ9UTIOXGBIAZCEEA) or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app and AmazonSmile donates to Family Resource and Youth Services Coalition of Kentucky Inc.*When you…

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